So Much Change
Hey, it’s been a while!
I really love writing these blog posts. They don’t even take long. I usually just start typing and see what comes out and then give it a title. Somehow people actually quite like reading them!
But times are busy here at PAP. I’m trying my best to produce as much content as possible!
I’ve started a new S&C job at a professional Rugby club in Wales, started a new podcast called My Athletic Compendium with a friend, developed my Online Coaching services and all sorts! I even had someone send me their CV asking to work for PAP which I find insane…
Lots of exciting times ahead!
As for PAP, I’m starting to create a new resource for my clients in the form of a video tutorial for some more complicated lifts in a similar way to Squat University, on the Members Only section of this website.
If you like the sound of this, get in touch via email (see below):
I look forward to writing the next blog. I’m thinking perhaps some funny gym lessons I learned the hard way…
Catch you then!